Father and son. Ahh . . . what a great combination. You can just imagine two guys playing catch with each other or something like that. This is what men are! Now imagine a father with his daughter. Can’t you just imagine a man sitting in the couch polishing a shotgun while waiting for his daughter to come home with his boyfriend?
The world has become completely become ignorant. Just because a son loves his mom doesn’t make him a momma’s boy. Sons are supposed to love their parents. It just so happens that the mother takes care of the son more than the father. I know for a fact my father barely cares about me sadly. It is ok though because I am a man. A man doesn’t need emotions. Men are tough.
See what I mean? Even I am ignorant of myself. The world has become a place where everything is related to gender. We need to change all that. I mean even though there are some girls that look like guys and vice versa, they are special. A man doesn’t need to be tough and a woman doesn’t need to be girly. They should just be themselves.