Thursday, October 28, 2010

Father and Son, Mother and Daughter and whatever.

Ok, so we all know that one child usually gets along with only one parent. Depending on who is close to close, things may be interpreted differently. When a father is close to his son, it is a man to man thing. When a mother is close to her daughter, it is a girl to girl thing. When a mother is close to her son, the son is a momma’s boy. When a father is close to his daughter, he is over protective.
Father and son. Ahh . . . what a great combination. You can just imagine two guys playing catch with each other or something like that. This is what men are! Now imagine a father with his daughter. Can’t you just imagine a man sitting in the couch polishing a shotgun while waiting for his daughter to come home with his boyfriend?
The world has become completely become ignorant. Just because a son loves his mom doesn’t make him a momma’s boy. Sons are supposed to love their parents. It just so happens that the mother takes care of the son more than the father. I know for a fact my father barely cares about me sadly. It is ok though because I am a man. A man doesn’t need emotions. Men are tough.
See what I mean? Even I am ignorant of myself. The world has become a place where everything is related to gender. We need to change all that. I mean even though there are some girls that look like guys and vice versa, they are special. A man doesn’t need to be tough and a woman doesn’t need to be girly. They should just be themselves.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How Do I Know What I Know?

How do I know what I know? Is knowledge preexisting or is it human made? Is knowledge just taught from human to human? Is knowledge even real?
We know what we know because people question what they know already; which in turn answer our question and how we know it. People consider knowledge to be real because what people from the past proves it is true. By proving they use reasons that sound reasonable to the human mind. But is it really true? Can we believe reasons from more than a hundred year old and created by some old man who trapped himself in his room that most people today would consider crazy?
Why do we know what I know? Because everybody is forced to learn. What if I don’t want to go to school? Sadly for us children, we are forced to go until we are 16. We are brainwashed to learn what the society believes what the truth is. People just keep finding new things for us to learn and things for us to believe.
The truth is it is not that bad to learn new things at school. At least we can communicate to each other compared to gorillas and other animals. Unlike other mammals, humans have an intelligent mind. We should make use of this advantage that we have and learn as much as we can.
So again, how I do what I know? We are taught by old wrinkled men who convinces the rest of the world that he is right. Thanks to these old men, we learn more than we ever would.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Meaning

Life has many meanings. To some it may be a path to follow; to others it may be to be an adventure. There are the few crazies who devote themselves to absolutely nothing and live in the middle of nowhere. Then there are the rest of us, who live in the middle of the city who ruined the natural Earth.
We are animals. We pollute the Earth with “inventions” such as cars and factories. We don’t do anything to clean it up but instead wait till we’re near death before these new inventions come out. Come on, what is the point in making new stuff when you already ruined the Earth. We wait thousands of years before we go like, “Oh no! We polluted the Earth!” Like really now? We could of stop making so much of these horrible inventions. Even though I am saying this, I enjoy driving. I am a hypocrite.
You know who is respectable? The Indians or whoever the rest of the tribes are. They live in the forest, dress with leaves to cover their sexy parts, and don’t invent anything that ruins the world. They are not fat like us because they do not stuff themselves with excess meat by killing unnecessarily. Man why are we so fat? Stupid McDonalds and the stupid creepy clown that keeps telling us to eat a Big Mac.
But for real, I believe that we do not have a meaning in life. After one hundred years, no one will remember us. We are all nobody but beings that occupy the Earth long enough so that more people could occupy the Earth.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

God in 2010

What is God? Who is God? There are many questions about God today and how he is viewed in the modern world. Some may view him as part of a religion but others may see him as an entity, a higher being. Others, just plain old don’t believe in God. People today sometimes attribute all the bad things that happen in the world to Him.
As the all mighty God, he is viewed as the creator of the world. According to the Bible, he created us from mud. But come on, do we look like mud to you? We are not dirt particles gathered into one being. We all know this, but there are no other reasons for or existence except for God. Even when some say that humans came through evolutions, who created the animals that allowed the transformation?
Another view of God is the making of miracles. Some people pray to him during the time of need, or others just to thank him for their existence. Is he really there or is people just praying to God in order to make themselves feel better, a placebo effect. Whatever the reason, God is viewed as a miracle worker, making something out of nothing.
Finally, another view of God is in common phrases. Phrases such as “Oh my God,” “Oh my Lord”, “Thank God” are all common phrases said by a lot of people. People who say these phrases may not relate themselves to God at all. Whatever the reason is, God is something no one fully understands, even in the technological world today.