Sunday, April 24, 2011

McCarthy’s Birthday Week

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday dear Mr. McCarthy! Happy birthday to you!
Another year has gone by. How does it feel to be ___? Sorry I do not know how old you are but I am going to assume you’re not that old.
Mr. McCarthy. I can honestly say you are probably the best teacher I have this year. Disregarding the fact that I sleep almost everyday in your class, I actually think you’re a pretty cool teacher. You actually interact with the students compared to the other teachers. See I like to categorize my naps in school. There are boring lectures naps, just boring in general naps, and I want to stay awake but I am too tired naps. You would fall into the third category. See in order for me to function throughout the rest of the day, I need the naps or I will just fall asleep sitting up straight. So thank you for letting me sleep all these times. You are the greatest.

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