Sunday, April 24, 2011

X Marks the Spot

Argh! Ahoy matey! Booty! Those are all phrases we imagine a pirate saying. When someone says "X Marks the Spot" what comes to mind? I do not know about you guys but I see pirates in their ship pointing at this treasure map with a big X marking this unknown location. What kind of person buries treasure anyways? If I had a bunch of gold and silver I would not take my time putting it in a chest for other people to find. Even if I were to die I rather spend it all before I die instead of let some smelly, drunk, dirty pirates take my life savings.
Moving on to my next point, would you donate your money if you was about to die? To be honest, I would not. I rather give it to my kids or family. Even if I was a billionaire, what has the society done for me? I worked hard for my own money and they expect me to give it all back. No I worked for it so I deserve to keep it. It may seem like a greedy act but has anyone ever donated to me? Where is the “Jacky donation” or something along those lines? My child and family deserves my money more than any random stranger out there. just saying.

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