Thursday, September 30, 2010

Candide's Punishment, Do They Fit the Crime?

Candide literally means simple minded. As a young simple minded boy, Candide believed anything that he was told. Before he got kicked out the baron’s mansion, he was living the good life. Food, money, power, it was all good. Then some fat chick, Cunegonde, started to like him. I mean how does he like a fat chick in the first place? Candide even had the nerve to kiss her. Maybe he was desperate because there were barely any other females. Man, a fat chick would be the last person I would fall in love with.
On the other hand, it was not even Candide’s fault. The fat Cunegonde forced herself on him. I mean seriously, why should he get punished if it is not even his fault? If I was a father I would get mad too, but if my daughter was fat and stuck in a castle all day long, being with a man isn’t that bad. I mean who else would want her, besides desperate men? He was lucky Candide was simple minded and even wanted Cunegonde in the first place.
Overall, I don’t believe getting kicked out the castle was an appropriate punishment. I mean sure, he kissed the baron’s daughter and the baron got mad, but wasn’t he like a son? I wouldn’t kick my son out the house if I had one. I mean look, the baron kicked him out the house and what happened to him? He got killed and his house burned down. That’s what he gets.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who is the Modern Socrates?

In the past, there was one man who questioned everything about life: Socrates. Socrates exhibited great pleasure in philosophy and the origins of everything. Some may call him a nuisance, but then again what is life without asking questions. Even though Socrates himself has never written anything down, the world knows him due to his students. His students wrote down his ideals, methods, and way of life. According to his students, Socrates questioned people so much, that it led to his death.
Who is the modern Socrates? Since Socrates passed away, someone has to take his spot. But is there anyone as persistent as him? Is there anyone willing to give up his own life because he can’t question authority? Not exactly, but many present philosophers think like him.
Philosophers spend their whole life studying life. What is life? How is life formed? Why do we act the way we do? Psychologist Sigmund Freud supported the belief that not all mental illnesses have physiological causes and he also offered evidence that cultural differences have an impact on psychology and behavior. Even though he is dead today, there are still many psychologist trying to find how we behave the way we do.
Even students, such as me, question things to an extent. In our case, we would be young philosophers. I know there are times where students question the system of education and why we are in it; just like how Socrates questioned the government. Students also question the teachers all the time. How is this done? Why is it done like this? To some extent, students are like Socrates.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Unexamied Life is Not Worth Living?

Socrates has once said that the unexamined life is not worth living. "Examined" has many definitions, including: To observe or inspect carefully or critically; to study or analyze; to check the health or condition of something or someone; to inquire into; etc. Socrates suggests that the "unexamined life" refers to a life whose purpose has never been questioned; a life that has never been analyzed, inquired into or inspected; a life that has not been appreciated beyond face value. By suggesting this, Socrates gives praise to questions such as, "Is there more to reality than that which we can see and touch?;" "Am I living my life according to my own rules, or the rules set for me by others?;” The quote may suggest Socrates' belief that a human who does not examine their own life, nature, reality, relationships, motivations, and thoughts, is wasting the experience, therefore such a life is not worth living.
I do not completely agree with Socrates. Life is not without a reason, even if it is the “examined life”. He is essentially saying that the people who do not “examine” themselves should all go die. Some people take life for granted. Living day to day may seem like a chore, but if one does something productive everyday one may come to enjoy life. Sure, life isn’t all about play and fun, but working hard until one achieve successfulness is what life is about. What do you do after you achieve success? That’s simple. Buy a Lamborghini and a mansion.  Then go on as much vacations as you want until you see everything. By the time that’s over, your life is probably over to. Get money or die trying!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I may have meant something to each and every one of you. To some, I may have been good and for some I may have been a nuisance. To those who I have bothered throughout my life, I am sorry. To those who have stayed with me during the thick and the thin, I am truly thankful for all of your love and support.
I remember the good old times when I was a kid just running around, laughing, and playing. The days where homework didn’t exist and girls have cooties. I enjoyed those times the best because of the care-free attitude. But now, I have matured and became who I am today.
I know I am not the perfect guy; everyone has his faults. But I think of myself as a virtuous young man. I am intelligent, civilized, honored, courteous, and so on. I can listen to people when they have problems. I know most of the time I seem like a joker, but I can be serious when I need to be. People always enjoy an outgoing personality more, right? I always find time to be with my friends and family. I would never break a promise to a dear friend. I could go on and on but I don’t want to sound to cocky.
My life isn’t complete yet and there is many more challenges ahead of me. I hope my dear friends and family will still be there to support and I will return the favor.