Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who is the Modern Socrates?

In the past, there was one man who questioned everything about life: Socrates. Socrates exhibited great pleasure in philosophy and the origins of everything. Some may call him a nuisance, but then again what is life without asking questions. Even though Socrates himself has never written anything down, the world knows him due to his students. His students wrote down his ideals, methods, and way of life. According to his students, Socrates questioned people so much, that it led to his death.
Who is the modern Socrates? Since Socrates passed away, someone has to take his spot. But is there anyone as persistent as him? Is there anyone willing to give up his own life because he can’t question authority? Not exactly, but many present philosophers think like him.
Philosophers spend their whole life studying life. What is life? How is life formed? Why do we act the way we do? Psychologist Sigmund Freud supported the belief that not all mental illnesses have physiological causes and he also offered evidence that cultural differences have an impact on psychology and behavior. Even though he is dead today, there are still many psychologist trying to find how we behave the way we do.
Even students, such as me, question things to an extent. In our case, we would be young philosophers. I know there are times where students question the system of education and why we are in it; just like how Socrates questioned the government. Students also question the teachers all the time. How is this done? Why is it done like this? To some extent, students are like Socrates.


  1. that's is true not a lot if any people are willing to sacrifice their life to fight authority.....

  2. it is true! why do is pi 3.14..... :) a Modern Day Socrates :) yay lol

  3. phil shut up you no such thing lol
    i agree with shem
