Thursday, September 30, 2010

Candide's Punishment, Do They Fit the Crime?

Candide literally means simple minded. As a young simple minded boy, Candide believed anything that he was told. Before he got kicked out the baron’s mansion, he was living the good life. Food, money, power, it was all good. Then some fat chick, Cunegonde, started to like him. I mean how does he like a fat chick in the first place? Candide even had the nerve to kiss her. Maybe he was desperate because there were barely any other females. Man, a fat chick would be the last person I would fall in love with.
On the other hand, it was not even Candide’s fault. The fat Cunegonde forced herself on him. I mean seriously, why should he get punished if it is not even his fault? If I was a father I would get mad too, but if my daughter was fat and stuck in a castle all day long, being with a man isn’t that bad. I mean who else would want her, besides desperate men? He was lucky Candide was simple minded and even wanted Cunegonde in the first place.
Overall, I don’t believe getting kicked out the castle was an appropriate punishment. I mean sure, he kissed the baron’s daughter and the baron got mad, but wasn’t he like a son? I wouldn’t kick my son out the house if I had one. I mean look, the baron kicked him out the house and what happened to him? He got killed and his house burned down. That’s what he gets.


  1. I thought this was pretty funny Jacky, nice.

  2. i doubt she was fat jacky.
    oh man the first paragraph is to funny lol
    i agree with cunegund forcing himself upon him and he has no fault

  3. Maybe Candide didnt care what she looked like, or maybe he was ugly too and they made a perfect match!!
