Monday, May 16, 2011

Movie Review

So I finally saw the Expendables and it was not as great as a I expected. Most awesome part was of course the action involved but then agian it was kinda really fake. Who kills like fifty guys with one shot gun walking in one straight line. How can Terry Crews get so big? Dam I wish i was swole. His arms are the size of my head. So Shem is sitting next to me and I believe he needs to shave. Okay, back to the movie. Jet Li? He's the man. I wish I knew kung fu or martial arts or wahtever he does. I got to start doing flips and all of that cool stuff. Stay true to my asianess. So yeah.
Back to the movie. Who are these actors I never heard of? They are SO swole but the main character was all old and wrinkly thinking he is badass. Come on, you can not be old and badass at the same time. My friend just said that the movie was pretty terrible. The plot was kind of horrible. The "princess" was ugly. The transition between scenes was spotty at best. Yeah, the movie was terrible.

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