Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Dark, cold, solitude, glass, imaginary. Invisible. To be ignored, to be stepped on. To be passed by. To not have a voice. Many people in this world are considered invisible, especially when it comes to politics. During election season and when government supposedly asks for the public's aid, you as an individual usually do not count. Your voice is never heard. My voice is never heard. In order to be heard, one must be wealthy, rich and have power. I am powerless. Invisible.
Have you ever met someone new but apparently they have been with you for many years? In this school, I have met people my senior year who I did not know existed. I thought I knew all the seniors here in this school but apparently. Are they invisible? They are invisible to me. They should speak out more, have a voice. That way people will know them and maybe they will be less lonely.
Just imagine being by yourself all day long with no friends, no family, nothing and no one.  A voice is in every person. They just need to speak and release it. Speak to the public. Do not waste what you have but rather embrace it. Speak your mind.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Book to Read

Okay so the last book I read for fun was probably in like fifth grade. I am going to just assume it was Harry Potter but I forgot. I stopped after Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because the third book was way too thick. I am not reading a book with more than three hundred pages. Especially the fourth book! Seven hundreds pages? Come on now. Really? Who will spend all that time to read one book that will take days when you can watch the movie which takes three hours. I mean I continued to watch the movies after I stopped reading but then even the movies got confusing. Okay so I think the last book I read was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone. It was a great book if I recall correctly. Why did I even read it? I do not even know. What was I thinkng spending days reading tiny words written in a book. I do not have time for this. I rather nap all day instead of reading a book. No offense to the rest of the world but I am just lazy. I can not stand just sitting down and reading all day. That's just not me. If I can't even stay awake for fifty mintues in class everyday, how am I going to spend hours reading a book? No no no.

Movie Review

So I finally saw the Expendables and it was not as great as a I expected. Most awesome part was of course the action involved but then agian it was kinda really fake. Who kills like fifty guys with one shot gun walking in one straight line. How can Terry Crews get so big? Dam I wish i was swole. His arms are the size of my head. So Shem is sitting next to me and I believe he needs to shave. Okay, back to the movie. Jet Li? He's the man. I wish I knew kung fu or martial arts or wahtever he does. I got to start doing flips and all of that cool stuff. Stay true to my asianess. So yeah.
Back to the movie. Who are these actors I never heard of? They are SO swole but the main character was all old and wrinkly thinking he is badass. Come on, you can not be old and badass at the same time. My friend just said that the movie was pretty terrible. The plot was kind of horrible. The "princess" was ugly. The transition between scenes was spotty at best. Yeah, the movie was terrible.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Art Review

Street Art in Taipei by Edgar Mueller

What defines art? Does art really have to be a piece of painting on a canvas board? Art is what people use to express their emotions or express their interpretation of things. What this man is doing here is expressing not only his creativity, but also his love for art. Not only does he want to paint, he wants to incorporate his art in everyday life. This 3D painting may be criticized by others as graffiti and is doing nothing but dirtying the streets. But is this man really hurting anyone? Instead of using a paper or art board, he decided to use the streets as his art canvas. Is that a bad thing? Just because it is not “professionally” done, does not mean it is not another form of art.

Art is art. No matter if it is graffiti or a canvas painting. This man has skills. Compared to me who can not even draw a decent stick figure, he is like a god. I like how he incorporated it into life and just put it up in a museum. This way people can enjoy it more and appreciate it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We Have the Right

I have the right to do anything. How is some stranger going to tell me what I can or what I can not do? What makes that person have more authority than me? In the end we are all just humans so how can one human stop me from doing anything? I mean really can one person really stop me from doing whatever I want? How is one person going to tell me I am inferior to them? I know myself better than anyone. I don’t need a judge to tell me where to go or whether or not if I am guilty.
Even if I were to murder somebody, compared to other mammals that is nothing. Lions kill others all the time. Do we find it wrong? No. So why are human lives more precious than others? Just because we are considered smarter and more advanced than the rest of the mammals it is a crime to kill other humans? What if there was another race out there that is more advanced than us. If they were not only bigger and stronger, they even have more technology than us humans. Won’ that make them the ruler of the planet and allow them to kill us like we kill animals? So technically, killing isn’t bad. So technically I can do whatever I want.

McCarthy’s Birthday Week

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday dear Mr. McCarthy! Happy birthday to you!
Another year has gone by. How does it feel to be ___? Sorry I do not know how old you are but I am going to assume you’re not that old.
Mr. McCarthy. I can honestly say you are probably the best teacher I have this year. Disregarding the fact that I sleep almost everyday in your class, I actually think you’re a pretty cool teacher. You actually interact with the students compared to the other teachers. See I like to categorize my naps in school. There are boring lectures naps, just boring in general naps, and I want to stay awake but I am too tired naps. You would fall into the third category. See in order for me to function throughout the rest of the day, I need the naps or I will just fall asleep sitting up straight. So thank you for letting me sleep all these times. You are the greatest.

X is Known

What is X? Why do people spend thousands of years trying to figure out one variable? What does X truly stand for? Is it really some random variable we use to replace unknowns in mathematical equations? Or is there something more to that? Is it treasure? What is this treasure? Is it gold? Silver? Maybe it is something with a deeper meaning. Maybe X regards to life.
To me, X is a destination, a path in life. A path in life that is unknown. A path in life that depends on every other variable such as Y and Z. Life is an ever changing matter and nothing is for certain. However, one this is for certain. You will always be you and no matter what, that will not change. Ever decision made by you and ever action done by you will always take a toll on you in the future, for the better or for the worst. X is that unknown path. All your life you will be walking down an unknown road. Does that make everyone happy? No. Does it matter? No. Compared to the world, one person’s suffering and thoughts are nothing more than mere thoughts that no one will ever hear. As a single individual we are nothing. But yet we still to live on life and follow the path of X.

X Marks the Spot

Argh! Ahoy matey! Booty! Those are all phrases we imagine a pirate saying. When someone says "X Marks the Spot" what comes to mind? I do not know about you guys but I see pirates in their ship pointing at this treasure map with a big X marking this unknown location. What kind of person buries treasure anyways? If I had a bunch of gold and silver I would not take my time putting it in a chest for other people to find. Even if I were to die I rather spend it all before I die instead of let some smelly, drunk, dirty pirates take my life savings.
Moving on to my next point, would you donate your money if you was about to die? To be honest, I would not. I rather give it to my kids or family. Even if I was a billionaire, what has the society done for me? I worked hard for my own money and they expect me to give it all back. No I worked for it so I deserve to keep it. It may seem like a greedy act but has anyone ever donated to me? Where is the “Jacky donation” or something along those lines? My child and family deserves my money more than any random stranger out there. just saying.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On [Official Music Video]

To be honest, I have no idea what the lyrics are saying. Actually, i don't even know any the lyrics besides "the show goes on". When i listen to music, all I do is listen to the beat and if the voice goes well with the beat. I really don't care about if the lyrics have meaning or not. That is why I can also listen to foreign music and still enjoy it due to the great voice with the beat. That is why I enjoy this song. Some may say there is meaning behind this song but do I really care? Nah, i just like it. So enjoy.

I Know This Means Something

I know this means something. Life has to have a meaning behind it. Am I really to live just to work then die as nobody? Who am I compared to the rest of the billions of people? I am nothing more than another piece of really big puzzle. The puzzle so big, that the little piece seems very insignificant. The whole point of life is still a mystery to many and to me as well. I have been walking down a road of school for years now. But at the end of the school life, what is there waiting for me? To find a job which I will do every single day of my life onwards? What’s the point of that when death seems like an easier solution? Do not get me wrong, I am not stupid enough to go suicide and waste my efforts. But I know life has another meaning behind it than just work and school. I know life has more to it than many may think. Some do not cherish what they have, but to them, it is nothing more than objects. Can money buy happiness? Can I become happy? So far, I have found neither money nor true happiness. I suffer everyday to go to a place called school. Who likes school anyways? All I do is sleep in class so what is really the point? If you ask me, there is none. However, I guess I will continue my adventure of life till I find my answer.

Ultimate Recipe

Even though I work at a restaurant, I do not really know how to cook. I have been working since like 6th grade? It has been a long time. I know the basics but not the specific details. One of the customers’ favorite is orange chicken. Now orange chicken is not considered as traditional Chinese food, but rather American Chinese food made specifically for Americans. To start off, first you will need pieces of white chicken. If they are big, you must chop it up into bit size pieces. As I said I do not know the specific details, but then you will mix the chicken into a yellow looking sauce which will bread the chicken. When the chicken is mixed with the sauce, then you fry the chicken to get that crispy texture. After the frying, you must have prepared some orange sauce before hand. I do not know exactly what’s in the sauce, but different restaurant have different type of sauces especially for their orange chicken. Well, you add the sauce into a pan while mixing scoops of sugar. There are little bit of other sauces to add such as this starch which adds thickness to the sauce,. After the sauce is heat up, all you do is add the fried chicken bits into the sauce and mix it, then KA BAM. Orange Chicken.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good Food Review

What is good food? Some people consider cheap hot dogs off the street vendors to be delicious while others consider good food only to be steak and lobster. I personally like steak and lobster but sadly I could not afford to go to a steak house for the project and went to other places instead. Out of the two places that Jessica and I attended, I enjoyed Joy Yee Noodle more than I did Food life located inside the Water tower. Joy Yee Noodle is located in the center of Chinatown square which as its name states, in Chinatown. Food life’s setting was amazing I have to admit. They had nice dim lights which makes it perfect for a romantic dinner. The food service was decent but not the greatest. The food is left out so that the customers can get what they want as soon as they order. The service is extremely fast, but due to the fact that the food is left out, the food was kind of cold once I received mines. Overall though, it was pretty good. Joy Yee Noodle had a nice bright setting which makes it cheerful. The food was served really fast and it was pretty good. I got the Korean Beef over Rice which is basically just beef mixed with onions over rice. I didn’t enjoy it that much since I don’t like eating onions. However, since I ate there more than once, I loved their other dishes which is a mix of Asian culture. It was pretty good.

Monday, January 17, 2011

King Still King?

When the words “King” comes out of someone’s mouth, who do you think of? King Arthur? Martin Luther King? Or is it Lebron James? Most people today will assume you are talking about Lebron James. I mean who would not know how Lebron was nominated MVP twice, drafted to the NBA before even going to college, and ditched the Cleveland Cavaliers in order to join the Miami Heats in order to win a championship ring. The self-proclaimed “King” has made his legacy throughout the modern day as one of the best NBA players of all time. But it would all be impossible without the true “King” that many have forgotten throughout time.
Sure there is a national holiday named after him, but most just look at the holiday as another day off like I do. Currently, on Martin Luther King Day, I am sitting here enjoying my break. Do I really care about him as of today? No. Do I think and remorse over him today? No. I should but do I really? No. Even though I do not think about him, he may be one of the reasons I stand where I am today. No, I am not black I know that, but, thanks to him, the African American has been gained freedom from segregation and humiliation Thanks to him, Lebron James can play in the NBA. Thanks to him, Michael Jordan sells millions of shoes each year. Thanks to him, America has accepted different cultures and races. He is still the true King.

I'm A Shoe

I am a shoe. I stand below everyone else. I get trampled on by everyone. I am merely an object someone uses for their own convenience. Why walk with bare feet when you can use me for your own comfort. Well, let me tell you something. I may be small and insignificant, but I am working my way to the top. Sure there are other shoe brands better than me: Air Jordan, Nike, Adidas, Puma, and so on, but I try my hardest to match up to those top brands. No I can not make you jump twenty feet into the air like Air Jordan. No I can not help you improve your max speed with materials that weigh less than an ounce but, I am who I am. I do not try to be those who I am not. I am a unique pair of shoe that is made with threads, a sole, and laces that keep me together.
I am tired of others using me to kick balls. I am tired of others using me to make a clean walk over a pile of mud. Why do I need to be a shoe? Why can I not be a bird or plane so that I can soar above the rest?  I work harder than everyone till I have holes in the side of my stomach. I am used till I can not be used any further, but I never receive anything in return. In return, I am tossed to the garbage and treated like filth. Musty socks and sometimes even bare feet come inside of me to create a stench so bad, that it will last my whole life time. I am a shoe.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter Poem

The blue wintery sky
was like a fluffy pie.
White as cream,
makes me want to scream.
Stupid snow makes my shoe filled with marks,
each like a pain to my heart.
I hate winter,
like a baby hates splinters.